Jul 9, 2020DevotionsGod. Goals. GrindIn the middle of the summer, the "COVID spring" workouts have been brutal with temperatures at or near 100 degrees and this is a daily...
Jul 21, 2019DevotionsWorking out with Mr CleanI was the owner of a gym for many years and I purchased it from a great Christian mentor who had won the Mr. Texas natural bodybuilding...
Jul 9, 2019DevotionsDrive for show, putt for doughOne of my son's recently took up golf and invited me to go to the course and play with him. He was fairly certain he could hold his own...
Jul 2, 2019DevotionsAttitude and EffortWhen visiting with Coach Meneley at Friends University, Coach mentioned two of the key expectations he focused on when working with...
Jun 13, 2019DevotionsBe a successful ChristianThere seems to be a belief that successful people don't have to do the "dirty" work on their way to being successful. The truth is the...
May 24, 2019DevotionsThe Whims of MotivationAs a father and coach I have heard it stated one of the elements of my position within the family or team is to motivate my kids or...